Today's pet peeve will be called:
"Let me just read that for you"
Have you ever gone to the store in search of a product and upon searching for this specific product, have you ever found yourself comparing two similar products and wondering which one would better meet your needs? Of course you have.
Well when in this situation there are many things to consider before making a decision, like the products price, it's quality, warranty, and the specific services or tasks that this product is capable of performing. There are also several things that may be done to find out which of these products will better serve you. The first and most obvious thing to do is look at the products label or box cover, most of the time a products primary features will be listed right on the front. Now, if after doing this you still need further knowledge, the next thing to do would be to actually look on the back of the box, this typically will give a deeper explanation of somethings key features, and from this point you can better compare the two items and base your decision on what you read. After reading everything on the box and you still can't figure which item is best for you the next step would be to wander around the store until you finally find a store employee who with much hesitation will come and hopefully explain the differences between the two products you are interested in buying.
Now, this is where the Pet Peeve comes in. So you are finally able to find someone to help you figure out what these two products do. The first thing this worker typically does is briefly explain what he knows about the products, which is usually less than what you know. When you continue to inquire about the products features the employee realises that he requires more knowledge to help you out. So what does he do? Of course, he picks up the box, reads what you just read minutes earlier, and then explains to you what he just read. As if you weren't smart enough to have already done that. Don't you think I already read the box?? That's why I asked for your help! Duh! I understand if he doesn't know about this item, but either tell me you cant help, of find someone who can.
So, in short, this peeve is; When you ask a store employee for help and all he does is read the product description on the box to you as if you weren't smart enough to do that yourself.