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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Recent Happenings

Lately I haven't been keeping my blog updated with our recent activities. I have been experiencing a creative block, but I figured I may as well at least post the pics. I'll start with some Hermansen family activities

Well last weekend I was lucky enough to have a three day weekend because my cousin Tommy got married in the SLC temple. Fridays are definitely the best to have a wedding, it gives you a good excuse to have a 3 day weekend.

Here's Me and Laura standing in the freezing cold patiently awaiting some inconsiderate couple to finish with their pics. so our group could have a turn on the stairs. (Not that being shuffled around by some crazy photographer is any better) By the way I'm not proud of this pic. of me but it was slim pickins in the photo gallery.

We finally took refuge from the cold in the visitors center.

My Dad quickly made himself at home and settled in for a good nap.

This pic. was taken when we were waiting for the Bride and Groom to return from whatever Brides and Grooms do after being married. We were so hungry, luckily my cousin Becky had some goldfish crackers and we dipped them in the honeybutter on the table, hey don't judge me!desperate times call for desperate measures. Would I do it again? Hell yes, even if I weren't hungry. Oh sorry I meant to say Heck yes, slip of the tongue.

The next day we went down to Mt. Pleasant to visit my family and get the kids. My Dad took Me, Clint, and Rommy shooting the guns.

Loading up the guns

Nice shootin Rommy, but why do you keep holding the gun sideways, are you sure you weren't in a gang?

Aiden bustin a cap with Dads 22, he is a pretty good shot. Why does that sign have legs?

Clint shooting a clay pigeon, Dad throwing, we are so old school.

Dad showing us how its done, he is a crazy good shot. I hope he wasn't mad when I out shot him.

Aiden looking for junk to shoot up, what would happen if I shot this gas tank?
These clay pigeons taste like clay chicken.

1 comment:

  1. Hey fred, you have been telling me to keep my blog updated, and i have been doing a pretty good job! now if you stop, then i wont have any thing to read on my sunday afternoons anymore!I always read your funny blogs every sunday! you better not quit your blog or i will have to give you a call!! :)
