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Sunday, January 3, 2010


The long awaited day has finally arrived Christmas Eve!

I think Christmas Eve the greatest day of the entire year. It is the day when we take time to remember that Christmas is about the birth or Christ one of the greatest events in the history of mankind. Everyone seems a little bit happier than usual, children are excited to receive their long awaited gifts from Santa wondering over which continent the jolly old man could be flying over right now, and Moms and Dads are excited to see there kids open that one gift they have been looking at in that wrinkled up old toy ad for the past month.


Each year we go to the Beardalls for their annual Christmas Eve Dinner. When we got there The Averys were ready to go sledding so Aiden and I tagged along.

The steepest hill we could find was at the Moroni ball park. Here's Aiden running up the hill as fast as he can to go again before another kid wants to use the disc.

Aiden towing Ella back up the hill, what a gentleman!

Cole, Aiden, Andy, Keyton and Ella (sandwiched between Andy and Keyton) ready to race. Can you spot the dog in this photo?

Keyton about to wipe out for the 8th time.

Aiden is afraid of 2 things, speed, notice the dragging feet, and Dogs.

Just cause the directions say 1 person at a time doesn't mean you cant fit more on there.

When we got back to the Beardalls there was an amazing foggy sunset over the fields.

I'm not sure whats going on here perhaps some Christmas tradition, looks intense.

Three little red cheeked kids after a cold sledding adventure.

Christmas is not the same without Turkey, its so good. This is Sarah getting between me and that plate of delicious turkey, I WILL push you down.

I WAS kind of disappointed that Marc didn't make his delectable rolls.

The children chowing down.

The Kids attacking Jenny. Wool socks are so comfy.

Each year before exchanging gifts The Poppy does a little nativity play for the kids.

The kids sat around and carefully listened, as time passed they would creep in closer and closer till they were standing against the stool, so the moms would move them back and they would slowly move in again, and again. Moms ruin all the fun.

Charly stood in the back feeling Zoe and Ashylins hair, so soft and fluffy

After the Nativity we exchanged gifts with those whose names we drew weeks earlier. Andy gave me a big box of paintballs.

The Averys gave Cole this crazy game that shocks you if you loose. Does that make you want to play? It is fun to see others get shocked.

I told the kids they had to close their eyes so they couldn't see their gift and they took it seriously!

Charly girl carefully opening her cabbage patch dolls.

This is me holding the Ry Guy while he went crazy on the wrapping paper. Kids that age don't need gifts just give them some paper or a box and they will be in heaven.


  1. Why would you not post the marshmallow war pictures. It was totally rockin. Did Clint tell you he has been looking online for the perfect parts for his marshmallow shooter?

  2. I haven't done Christmas day yet but I will.
