Happy birthday to my Sweetheart!

Happy Birthday!! You are beautiful on the outside and in and I love you so much. Thank you for all you do for me, and for being such a sweet person.

Laura went to see the movie about nothing (new moon) so the kids and I took advantage of her time away. We went to wally world and got a bunch of arts and craft stuff and made some totally sweet homemade birthday cards.

Laura's birthday breakfast. Nice cards!

Later we went to the Beardalls and had dinner. Laura's Grandma made this cake, however it was not exclusive to Laura. Sarah, and Marc also have birthdays in November, so in order to not let any one person feel more special than the other it was determined that the cake was to be shared. Each individual who's birthday was being celebrated was allowed to blow out the candles at different times. This creates a great conflict for me, you see I love cake but I have this minor hang up about eating cake that others have blown on (especially kids). I believe that it is impossible to blow out candles and not have a small amount of saliva end up on the cake. Now when it is just one adult blowing out the candles I would assume it is safe to partake of the cake, but if it is a child or more than one adult great caution should be exerted. After much deliberation I did have a piece. However if even one child were to blow on that cake I would have had to forgo the cake.
When around family there is no shortage of kids to tease. Here is Keyton after being placed on top of the cabinet.